What is a healthy diet?
And why do we struggle with this question? There is a lot to unpack with this question, believe it or not. Firstly, while some people may think the answer is simple, the reality is far from it. What people actually think is healthy, is invariably skewed by their background, experience and bias. We are very […]
Why calorie counting is not part of my day
I do not calorie count. I have done so in the past to educate myself on where my calories were coming from, but I no longer do it for a few reasons. It’s a hassle. I’m the type of person who does not want to have get out scales, or a barcode scanner every time […]
Fad diets
You’ve seen them, and you and/or your subconscious know how to identify them. The key thing about these diets is they are unsustainable, and often sound too good to be true. These diets generally result in the yo-yo diet experience. You lose weight on them in most cases but then people inevitably put that weight […]
Realities of diet and weightloss
I was once told, you can eat anything so long as you exercise enough. The reality however is: I wasn’t exactly a junk food person and by most people’s standards, I ate healthily. My diet consisted of mainly ‘healthy’ main meals plus some chocolate, some ‘snacks’, pastries etc on occasion. I was vegan after all, […]