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Sleep can not be underestimated for its affect on the body. Good sleep is an amazing emotional and physical support to the body. Sleep helps the brain process the emotions of your day. Those who get ‘good’ sleep also are less likely to suffer from depression. When we are well-rested we have more energy to tackle the days challenges, and make better decisions. Poor sleep can really therefore put you into a cycle of fatigue and reduce your emotional resiliency. It is why I now see sleep as crucial in everyone’s wellness plan. But what does good sleep actually mean.

Let’s get clear.

It does not mean a set amount of hours of sleep. Although this number is beneficial to know.

What it does mean is you getting quality sleep.

Quality sleep comes from:

Good Sleep habits

This is mostly about what you do before sleep. This can differ for everyone but here are some recommendations.

  • Avoid technology where possible or use a blue light filter on your devices
  • Avoiid stimulating activities in the hour before bed. Everyone is different so understand what this mean for you.
  • Raise your feet above your heart for half an hour before bed
  • Put your worries to bed - work on emotional stresses that may keep you awake
  • Use white noise if it helps - White noise is an effective tool especially when you have an active brain. Try different types. Some people like static sounds, others like rain, or the sound of a fan. There are many apps that can help with this.
  • Try to go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time.

A good day routine

Our healthy habits through the day also aid us to have a good sleep.

  • Get some daylight - It helps with your circadian rhythm and it is also why I like to have my curtains open in the morning to have a natural alarm clock.
  • Know how your work and day activities affect your sleep. I have one of those annoying active brains and what I find important is to reduce repetitive tasks and balance out my workload so I don't end up 'working' in my sleep
  • Get some exercise. Even bundle it with getting that much needed vit D from the sun.

Understanding healthy sleep patterns

Fingers crossed you have a good day routine and good sleep habits, now to understanding the numbers.

  • Number of hours. It is recommended you get at least 7 hours of sleep. If you wake up easily and refreshed then you will know that you are getting enough sleep to function well. But even if you sleep 10hrs, it's not indicative of quality. Many people say they are getting 10-12 and think this number is the most important measure, when it is the quality that is most important.
  • Deep sleep. It is recommended you get 1.5 to 2 hrs of deep sleep per night. This is an important indicator of quality sleep. During deep sleep, your body releases growth hormone and works to build and repair muscles, bones, and tissue. Deep sleep also promotes immune system functioning (
  • You can get information about the length and quality of your sleep by wearing a health monitor like a smart watch.

Sleep aids

There are a variety of sleep aids that may help you if you find it especially difficult to fall asleep and get good sleep

  • Lavender - A scent that aids in sleep. Commonly used in baby and childrens creams for it's calming effects.
  • Sleep teas and vitamins - These cotain a variety of ingredients that support better sleep. It is important to check that the ingredients do not conflict with other medications you take. Valerian for example is contraindicated with antidepressant use. Teas can be a great option as part of your unwind sleep routine.
  • Cannabis - I am a big advocate for the beneficial effects of medicinal cannabis. I have used it for over 12 months now and it has drastically improved my quality of sleep (and decreased pain in my body).
  • Medications - There are many medications for sleep. Some have dual uses like Quetiapine (an antipsychotic that also improves sleep). Melatonin in slow release tablet form also helps support a healthy sleep cycle (I also take this occassionally).