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Nutrition video inspo

Super helpful interview that discusses studies on nutrition and health. While the interview is with those who are plant based it does not dismiss other diets, it instead discusses the consensus on what is considered healthy.
Oils can get a bad wrap, so this is a helpful guide to how nasty some of the plant based oils can be. It takes a look at some of the proetective effects of oils also. This video does not include animal fats in it's ranking.
Curious about Intermittent fasting? Here is the science behind it. Personally, I find it very helpful in my wellness and weight loss journey.
Blue Zones. These are places around the globe where through lifestyle and diet, people are achieving healthy long lives. There are lessons to be learnt from how these groups lives. One big takeaway from all is a lack of ultraprocessed food.
How can we eat to take care of our gut microbiome?
Ultra-processed food are bad for our health. the less we have, the better. But did you know it may also be bad for our mental health. Do you know how much ultra-processed food you are eating each day and how it may affect you?
A simple curry base recipe. Curries are an excellent way to get legumes and vegeatbles into your diet. My family loves curries and this is a tried and tested curry base you can adapt.
A simple look at obesity and processed food.
Big fan of Dr Michael Klaper. Here he discusses how to switch to a plant-based diet.
This reflection on plant sugars does not include honey or monk fruit, but does show that added sugars even if touted as healthy alternatives are not in fact healthy. A couple of exceptions are slightly better than straight sugar, but sugar is sugar.
An interesting discussion of calories. Dr Giles Yeo is a Professor at the University of Cambridge, his research focuses on the genetics of obesity. He is the author of two books, “Gene Eating: The Story of Human Appetite” and “Why Calories Don't Count: How We Got the Science of Weight Loss Wrong”
Dr Gregor is the author of How Not to Die - How Not To Die gives effective, scientifically-proven nutritional advice to prevent our biggest killers – including heart disease, breast cancer, prostate cancer, high blood pressure and diabetes. Watch his Ted X talk.
An oldie but a goodie. A science led approach tested on an American community led to incredible improvements in health.