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June update – What an incredible 6 months!

I’m going to try to keep this as brief as possible as each item is really it’s own blog post. My year has been… interesting!

In December my biggest concerns were being fit enough to move home and complete my second unit of my counselling degree. Then it was time for a well-earned break.

Just prior in November I’d had a nasty cold that I recovered very well from. I bounced back fine. From late December the health issues began. 

In short, I had a ruptured ovarian cyst (ouch!), then a cold, then constant faintness, then passing out, concussion, diagnosed with dysautonomia, a gazillion medical tests (EEG’s, EKG’s ECG’s MRI’s) and am being evaluated for seizures.  

This has all been while completing 2 more intensive units in my counselling degree.

It’s been a wild and confusing time and I’m very proud with what I’ve achieved through so much adversity. But now that I have the Graduate Certificate in Counselling I’m taking a pause and diving into my joy, which is Jinjerli. My last two units in counselling (theories and skills) have opened my eyes to how I got to where I am with my weight loss and health journey, and its time to create some balance in the weight loss industry. I’m in the middle of developing a program that helps people clear the weightloss and health blocks. It’s a long way off being ready but I’m ready to shake things up.

In my personal weight loss journey, I’ve been continuously surprised at the ease of weight loss and maintenance. I’m now at the stage where I’m not actively losing weight but instead focusing on fueling my fitness goals. Fat loss now is a bonus (as I still have some to lose to meet healthy ranges).

1 year in, I’m now 17kg down from where I started.

I am out of the danger zones and that is the most important thing. I eat a nutritious diet and I occassionally indulge because that is fine too. 

Another achievement – I did a park run (I walked it) !

In a week I may have results for whatever may or may not be going on in my brain. The wait has been difficult, but reading up on what to do healthwise with the brain, I’m doing it all. Exercise, eat well, at least attempt to sleep well (previously good sleep has disappeared 🙁 ). 

I’m glad that I did what I did with my weight loss, health and nutrition, so that I can battle whatever comes at me.

