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Forget what other people think

… and give yourself permission to do what is right for you

Weight loss is a tricky topic. If you choose to lose weight to look good, you are thought of as vane. If on the other hand you fail to lose weight, you’re considered lazy. At the extreme end, weight gain and the associated health issues can result in a shortened life.

It’s an area you can rarely win at and results in internal and external judgment no matter what we do.

I am extremely interested in the psychological barriers that restrict our weight loss success. Discovering these barriers often unlocks limits in other areas of our lives. Our symptoms, e.g., yo-yo dieting, binging, lack of motivation, or discipline, can be evaluated and moved past.

In the first instance I want you to give yourself permission to lose weight to:

  • Get healthy
  • Change how you look
  • Feel good
  • Relieve weight based pain
  • Reduce damage to your joints
  • Extend your life

Whatever your why is, it’s ok. You can do it for you. Forget what others say. So long as you are doing it in a sustainable healthy way, no body has any business having an opinion about it. Giving yourself permission makes you the hero in your story. It is a starting point because so many of us don’t feel we are worth it, and you absolutely are worth it. Giving yourself permission means you acknowledge you are worth it. This gets you past one hurdle

“I’m worth it and I am doing this for me”

Now of course you can do it for others but there can be issues with this for some people, because it’s your body and even if external reasons are legitimate, true motivation needs to come from within.

My ‘why’ started with how I looked and evolved into reducing pain and being mobile and healthy. Yours may start at health.

If you have a history of eating disorders, please seek professional medical advice if you feel you need to lose weight. At the end of the day health must be considered over aesthetic goals.
