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Nintendo Wii: Fitness tools series

The beginning of my ‘start small’ program was simply to embrace the ‘just move somehow’ philosophy. 

While I was working on some of the vulnerable areas ie. hips and knees, I needed something that would help develop stability and get me moving. The answer for me was the Nintendo Wii and the Wii fit kit. 

I spent much of my time (5-10 minutes) doing balance activities which subtly worked my whole body and improved agility at the same time.

I then moved on to minimal aerobics. To see what I have done so far, take a look here.

The Wii fit is subtle to start, but if you are starting from a baseline of zero, like many of us, it will support you in getting moving. Before continuing with the benefits, I want to point out some issues with the Wii.

  1. It works on BMI, which can be a big problem for some people. BMI doesn’t measure how much of your weight is muscle, water or fat, so as you gain muscle, you may in fact gain weight and BMI. The Wii may nag you a little about some weight gain but just realise it does not know the whole story of your journey. Ignore that bastard and use it as a way to check in each day and log that you are moving.
  2. Weight loss or gain is it’s primary measure. Ignore that; pay attention to the % improvements for each game/workout instead. As your balance and core improves your scores will improve. 
  3. You can’t buy it new (that I know of), so 2nd hand is the only way. It will cost you about $150 – 200 depending on what is included, you will need the balance board, a nunchuk and controller, and the wii fit game. I’d recommend going straight for the wii fit plus game if you have a choice of the two.

What is great about it:

  1. It’s a great check-in system, so commit to weighing in for the logbook and then do some balance games and aerobics. Depending on your body, also do muscle workouts and yoga. Listen to your body on these.
  2. It’s a fun way to get started. Gamification works for many people, and it is fun to compete with yourself and other people. I’m always trying to beat my previous score.
  3. Despite its age, the technology is pretty reliable, so you don’t need to worry about that.
  4. You can increase how much you exercise gradually. It is excellent as a constant in your routine. I love the penguin balance game and regularly still use a few of the muscle workouts.
  5. This gradual approach builds up your core and gets you ready for the bigger stuff later. I can vouch for this as I am doing some of the bigger stuff now and surviving.

So if you’re feeling stuck with how to get moving, this is a good place to start. 

Get moving!
